Introducing Texstego, the text steganography program. It hides a short secret message in a public text paragraph. The secret message here is a phrase of twenty letters hidden in forty lines of a carrier paragraph. Pairs of any text lines combine to give a secret two digit code. Each secret character comes from a set of some 99 keyboard characters. Each line of public text has a length that varies by up to 9 characters. Pairs of lines compose sec ret codes from 00 to 99. Also, common letters like "e" ar e given up to five codes so the codes are less fre quent than that common letter. The character "e" wa s assigned the following five codes in the key file: 89, 46, 20, 34, and 57. But the uncommon letter "z" only gets one code number in the key file. The letter " t" gets four secret codes. The paragraph you are reading now has forty lines. That is twenty pairs of lines. Each pair encodes one character. This carrier paragra ph is being written as one long line with no newline c haracters. The wrap around from the wordprocessor normally indents the right side of the page by abou t eight characters, depending on the vocabulary. If I use big words, the indentation increases. This means th at the nine character variations for steganography is n early the same amount of line length variation as ordinar y writings. When I finish writing this carrier paragraph w ith no newlines, it will be an input to texstegi-0, a Perl program. The output from that program h as newlines added so the coded message will correspond to the number of characters on each line. I will then manua lly edit the new paragraph so whole words are never split o nto new lines. I innovate edits so the number of chara cters remain the same. Then I run the Perl program agai n and iterate this process until each text line only has whole words. A second Perl program dec